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Insights | Power of Attorney, Rural, Wills

Securing the future: succession planning for business owners

It’s never nice to think about the possibility of premature death or long-term incapacity, but anticipating the unexpected is vital for business owners. Without the right planning, unforeseen circumstances can disrupt the trajectory of a business, sometimes with disastrous consequences. Business owners should have clear plans in place for the continuity and succession of businesses, regardless of size and structure.

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Anderson Strathern strengthens construction disputes service with new team

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Anderson Strathern senior hires to bolster firm’s strategy for success

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Insights | Employment

What should employers do about domestic violence?

According to the National Centre for Domestic Violence, one in five adults will experience domestic abuse – whether that’s physical, sexual, psychological or financial - during their lifetime.

Ireland recently introduced the right to five days of paid domestic violence leave annually, to help those affected by domestic abuse to access the medical visits, legal advice and counselling they may need.

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Insights | Employment

Handling holiday pay ahead of the Edinburgh Festival: an employer’s guide

With the Edinburgh Festival season fast approaching, employers who hire workers on irregular hours or on a temporary basis should take heed of the potential pitfalls of a recent change in legislation around holiday pay.

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Insights | Corporate Law

Freedom of Information in Scotland – vital updates

With digital communications and tools such as WhatsApp firmly part of our daily lives, it’s no wonder that questions around what is, and is not, covered by Freedom of Information are arising. The Scottish Information Commissioner (“SIC”) recently launched an intervention into the Scottish Government’s use of tools such as WhatsApp.

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Insights | Employment

Navigating the New UK Tipping Rules: A Guide for Employers

On 1 October 2024, new UK-wide legislation on tipping will come into force, significantly altering the landscape for restaurants and other hospitality outlets. These changes mandate that tips must be passed onto all workers fairly without any deductions being made, with businesses required to have a written policy and keep records detailing how tips have been dealt with.

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Insights | Employment

What do the changes in TUPE transfer regulations mean for you?

The Employment Rights Regulations 2023 comes into effect on 1 July 2024. The UK's Transfer of Undertakings Regulations provide legal protections for employees who are impacted when a business changes hands or a customer decides to outsource, re-tender or bring services in-house.  Many find TUPE regulations complicated and time-consuming, however, it is crucial to get them right and stay legally compliant.

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Insights | Employment

Artificial intelligence: The Trade Union Congress (TUC) workplace Bill

In today's fast-paced work environment, the rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a transformative shift in how businesses operate. On the one hand, there are unprecedented opportunities but on the other, there are significant risks.

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Insights | Employment

Winning strategy – the benefits of sports for employee mental health

In the words of Curtis Mayfield, as we ‘Move on Up’ towards the end of the working week it is important for both employers and employees to consider the causal connection between engaging in physical activity and positive mental health. Research has proven that individuals engaging in regular physical activity can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, reduce stress levels, improve their mood and help to prevent physical illness.

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