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Responsible Business

Anti-money laundering statement

At Anderson Strathern LLP and its subsidiaries, we are fully committed to fulfilling our legal obligations in the detection and prevention of money laundering, terrorist financing and other forms of financial crime. In particular, for the purposes of combatting money laundering and terrorist financing, we carry out client verification checks at the stage of client engagement and on an ongoing basis, as well as seeking to establish, where appropriate, the source of wealth and source of funds used in transactions in which we are involved. We maintain procedures and policies to ensure compliance with all relevant legislation. All employees and partners are trained in how to comply with the legislation and we may refuse to act if we have concerns.

Modern Slavery Act 2015

We strive to conduct our business with integrity, transparency and fairness. We are committed to the prevention of slavery and human trafficking both in our business and in our supply chains. We purchase goods and services in a sustainable and ethical manner in compliance with our values and relevant law and policy, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

We do not accept slavery or human trafficking in our firm and we will not purchase goods, material or services from suppliers who do not share our ambition to eradicate slavery and human trafficking. If you have any concerns or suspicions we should know about then please contact our Head of Risk & Compliance, Wendy Quinn on 0141 242 7968.

Our Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy sets out our commitment to conducting our business with integrity and fairness and the processes we follow to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not present in our business or in our supply chains. The policy applies to our partners, all of our staff and to our suppliers, including those who work for or on our behalf in any capacity. All members of staff are required to certify that they have read and understood our Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy annually. We also monitor and assess compliance with our policy to measure how effective we have been to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains.

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