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Insights | Family Law

Real Housewives – Real Family (Law) Issues?

Regardless of your views on the housewives themselves, the family lawyer in me was quite moved by the most recent Real Housewives of Beverly Hills episode...

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Insights | Corporate Law

Key legal issues for early-stage businesses

In a show of strength for the UK’s start-up environment, a recent report found that over 900,000 new companies were incorporated in the UK last year – a new record.

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Insights | Family Law

Did you commit to cohabiting this Valentine’s Day? Don’t forget about the practicalities!

Many couples will have exchanged some heartfelt gestures this Valentine’s Day: romantic dinners, thoughtful gifts, and perhaps even life-changing proposals.

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Insights | Employment

Care with Flare – supporting your staff on World Bartender Day 2024

Bartenders are crucial to Scotland’s hospitality sector and with World Bartender Day on 24th February, Craig McCracken, an employment law specialist at Anderson Strathern, highlights some challenges bartenders face at work. He also recommends ways employers can help their bartenders feel happy and supported at work, and hopefully to retain talented people for longer.

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Insights | Rural

Are you RCI-ready? Don’t miss the deadline!

The government transparency drive around property ownership will soon be backed up by criminal penalties as the “grace period” ends on 1 April 2024. Owners of land and tenants with long leases should make sure they are “RCI-ready” to avoid hefty fines for not disclosing decision-makers who aren’t on the title deeds.

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Insights | Rural

What is a Crofter’s Right to Buy?

As a tenant crofter, you benefit from what is commonly referred to as “the right to buy”. But what does this actually mean, and what do you need to consider before proceeding with the purchase?

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Insights | Rural

A timely reminder of what farmers and landowners should know about the new laws around livestock worrying

Scotland’s picturesque landscapes are home to thriving agricultural communities, where farmers and crofters raise livestock amid rolling hills and lush pastures. However, the idyllic scene can quickly turn grim

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Insights | Rural

The Electronic Communications Code – Practical Considerations

The Electronic Communications Code (the Code), which governs UK law in relation to Telecommunication sites, came into force on 28 December 2017 and gave statutory powers to operators to install apparatus on, over or under land, and thereafter to maintain apparatus.

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Insights | Employment

When it comes to baby loss, don’t forget about Dad

It’s estimated that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss, either during pregnancy or birth. As progressive workplaces move towards a more open and supportive culture, the impact of baby loss – whether that’s through miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal death – is more widely talked about than it used to be.

However, the support on offer from employers is often focused on mothers, with less consideration given to the fact that fathers are suffering too.

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Insights | Employment

Are workplaces ready to support neurodivergent employees?

A neurodivergent condition may be considered a disability under the Equality Act 2010, depending on the impact the condition has on day-to-day activities. This means many neurodivergent employees are protected in law against discrimination, and employers are obliged to make reasonable adjustments to support them at work.

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Events | Corporate Law, Rural
  • Date: 21 February 2024

From farm to fork: product innovation, patents and R&D tax credits in the food production and service sector

We teamed up with Lawrie IP and Minerva Innovation Group to give you insights into intellectual property, patents and R&D tax credits.

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Sexual misconduct – justice hanging in the balance?

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