Amicable Exits

There are a number of situations where it can prove beneficial to agree on the amicable exit of an employee as opposed to exploring disciplinary or redundancy proceedings.

However, this can be a complex process and should be handled carefully to ensure any pitfalls are avoided. This is something our HR Business Partners can help you with.

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Great People Culture – What to Do and How to Do It

For most businesses their biggest asset is their people. Recruiting new employees is a very costly exercise and it’s an expense that should and can be controlled. Getting the culture of any business right requires strategic thinking, planning, organising and time. When it’s done well, it pays off in terms of business success.

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Redundancy Advice

There may be situations where making employees redundant is a necessary step. However, it is essential that all of the relevant procedures are followed to avoid any future disputes. Our HR Business Partners can offer practical advice that ensures you are able to implement a fair process.

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TUPE Transfers

The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) may apply when businesses are bought and sold. To ensure that you understand your obligations with regards to TUPE, our HR Business Partners can provide straightforward and practical advice.

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Organisational Development and Business Change

No matter what industry your business operates in, it is vital that you constantly stay ahead of the curve to achieve a competitive advantage. Organisational development can be an invaluable tool for your business, allowing you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your current strategy, the changes you need to make, and the steps you will need to take to reach your goals – no matter what they may be.

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Employee Performance and Absence Management

Good performance management is critical in any business. It will typically include managing employees’ behaviours and measuring performance against specific targets and outcomes. It allows employers to determine everyone’s performance and make considered decisions about rewarding, supporting and developing staff.

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Workplace Mediation

Unfortunately, workplace disputes and disagreements are commonplace. However, where these disputes prevent your employees from carrying out their job or cause significant disruption to the business as a whole, you will need to take action. This is where the support of a workplace mediator will prove invaluable.

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Grievances at Work

Workplace grievances provide an employee with the opportunity to raise an issue or complaint. Whether they are resolved via an informal or formal method, it is essential that they are handled with the necessary care and attention. Our HR Professionals can support you in making the right decisions and ensuring the matter is correctly dealt with.

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Misconduct at Work and Disciplinary Investigations

Misconduct at work and subsequent disciplinary investigations are incredibly serious matters. To ensure that they are navigated and resolved as effectively as possible, seeking advice from specialists in HR and employment issues is essential. Advice from a lawyer will not always be enough to ensure the matter is correctly dealt with.

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