Anderson Strathern launches new online will service

Our private client team, who specialise in personal legal needs, has this week announced the launch of a new service to help clients get started with their wills.
From today, clients will be able to use an online feature to help them gather and submit details of their circumstances, creating time-saving benefits as well as offering convenience.
Carole Tomlinson, Head of Private Client at Anderson Strathern explained: “Everyone leads busy lives and making a will is one of the jobs that many people put off as they don’t have the ability to clear time to think it through. Our new online service is available 24/7 and will therefore allow people to compile their information at any time of day or night without having to make an appointment with one of our team. Our lawyers can review the information submitted and accelerate the process, not only saving time, but potentially saving costs too.”
The team is keen to stress that despite this convenient information-gathering step, the process of writing a will is bespoke to every client, depending on their circumstances and that a meeting with a lawyer will always be an important part of the process. Carole said:
“We pride ourselves on our relationships with clients as so we will never just be a virtual adviser. We will always discuss the information we receive with our clients so that we are giving them the best advice as to how to structure their affairs. But using technology at the start of the process will give us a great head start.”